
Evaluation #5: How did you attract/address your audience?

I have used a pug saying “POP”. This is to tell the reader what genre the music shown in the magazine is. The reader would have the pug remind them of a magazine like “Q” which has a similar pug.

I’ve also used a mask head called “Tune” which resembles what music is, tunes. I also decided at the top of my magazine I would have a top line saying “The UK’s biggest magazine”, I saw this used on similar pop music magazine products like “Q”. I used a lot of boldness on my typography on the front cover of my magazine. This is to make it stand out from other magazines and be clearer to read whilst still looking professional. I used shadow and emboss on the mask head to make it look vibrant and a bit like sound waves. I have also used shadow on other parts of the text to make it stand out.

I tended to use hot colours on the things I wanted to stand out the most. I used a range of colours to make it very vibrant and portray the genre of the magazine, also this made the magazine resemble the audience of the magazine which would be young adults as they want to know about their favourite pop star, it is colourful, vibrant and funky,

For the contents page I decided to use synergy and keep the wall, red, black and gold theme with the contents page. I kept the pug because I felt it signified what the genre of the magazine was. I used the same typography from the maskhead to the heading of the contents page. However, I found my first attempt at a contents page quite bland, it didn't look that full or show what audience the magazine is aimed at so I worked on it some more to get the right feel to it and make it attractive to the audience.

I decided to add another picture on revealing more of the story and making the magazine more catharsis. This relates to the target audience as young girls these days like the "bad boys". I decided not to use synergy here because since young females are more carefree, the better range of colours that are are available, the more it shows the audience's personality. I also made sure the properties were used such as hoodies and stuff to signify todays youth and what is considered cool.

I wanted to use a lot of enigma in the contents page to create tension to read the magazine. I also used rhetorical questions and alliteration to persuade the reader to read on. I chose not to keep to conventional ways with the contents page because young females like to do their own thing and be unique so I wanted my magazine to be unique as well.
I have used a pug on my feature page to show what genre of music it is so it is hard to lose myself into a different genre. I have continued to use the synergy of the wall background and the green/blue headings to suggest the tune of the magazine and how the writing is like a sound wave going through the magazine.

I decided to use gold text for the featured stories but with a black stroke to make the text clearly readable and visible. I decided to use a story with a lot of drama involved to keep the magazine interesting. I linked the writing with the pictures showing each character with a caption beside them.

On the captions, they use anchorage to convey the characters of Leigh and Benny to be bad, this is shown by their hoods up in the close up shots whereas the protagonist in the story, Gracie is smiling and happy in a light environment. The red of the captions for Benny and Leigh convey how dangerous and risky it is to hang around with them.

The pink puff that makes the female audience read on is common female ideology to make hem want to be pretty like their favourite pop star. This encourages the audience to read on and also could leave them open for future sales of beauty products. This typically shows the target audience and how they are easy influenced by media devices.

I attracted my audience through the use of mainly synergy and anchorage as the female audience like the idea of beauty tips and "bad boys" then want to read on, however it stereotypes young men as bad however this is a typical and conventional thing for a magazine to do.

Overall, I attracted my audience by using mainly colour and the images. I discovered from my Audience Research that this is what attracted people to magazines so I used this and manipulated it into my product.

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