

I did not use this as my Front Cover because the background did not fit with the music genre. I was originally testing to see how a magazine would look if there was an instrument involved in the central image however it gave an unwanted theme of country to the magazine.

I did not use this as my Front Cover because it did not have any news on what was in the magazine or any links to the story. I wanted to think outside the box and do something different with my magazine but in doing this I lost track of what a magazine was like so I had to rethink some ideas.

I began adding more things to make it more like a magazine. The quote, the "plus list" and how it was a special edition but I didn't put the issue number or barcode on. I also found that "amazing story revealed inside" was too bland for the magazine and didn't influence the reader as much as I wanted it to.

I did not use this as my Contents Page because there was not enough page numbers and no information about the pages. I began to experiment with my star theme though, I did not put much thought into the pictures on the contents page at first.

I did not use this as my Contents Page because of the page numbers and the lime text was hard to read. It also was nothing like a contents page compared to other magazines so I decided that I need to change it.

I did not use this as my Contents Page because there was not enough page numbers and it was still not like a contents page.

I got the amount of page numbers needed to make it more realistic but the writing was still hard to read. It also was not like other magazine content pages so I needed to change it, however I kept my star idea throughout as it matched the genre.

I did not use this as my Feature Page because the images didn't have the right vibe with the background making them look out of place. Also the writing was hard to read so I needed to resize it. I found that an older audience found it much harder to read than a younger audience so I decided to add a light blue blackground.

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