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Gracie! From a classroom country gal to a perfect pop star! She has had an amazing journey, when she was thirteen; she started her career as a country singer, breaking out from her own classroom.
Her talent was noticed from a very early age. She started out as a country singer, singing in small local events, however as time progressed; she began to get noticed by producers worldwide to which she ended up joining and forming the pop band, Tune!
The pop band was a huge success; they sold over 119 million albums worldwide. They toured England and America, making everyone fall in love with the music the produced and themselves.
However it was short lived as fame does not last forever especially when your two year boyfriend, Benny James decides to cheat on you with your best friend and band member Leigh Heart.
Heartbroken Gracie was distraught and soon after the band disbanded due to this scandal. However, the relationship between Benny and Leigh did not end so with her heartbreak; Gracie took off on a solo act and has not looked back since.
Her new single, “Trust in You” was released last month; it expressed her heartbreak and disloyalty she felt in the past and has already sold 58 million copies worldwide.
We of course interviewed the pop star herself, we asked her how she is doing after the split, both band and partner she said “It was hard at first because I’ve nearly really gone single, also it was quite sad that the two people I trusted most in the world decided to betray be like that. However, I’m doing better than I was before, I’m happier. The love of my life may be gone, but my love for music can never be taken away from me”.
We then had an interview with Benny James to see why he cheated and does he regret it!? We asked him why he cheated and he replied “I cheated on Gracie because she cheated on me”.
We then asked what he has been doing since the band split and he answered “this and that, I’m planning to tour America with my girlfriend soon” after that we asked who his girlfriend was and he replied “Leigh, we really connected after the split” however soon after the interview, the couple split as it seems Benny can’t keep his hands to himself, more on page 35.
We finally had an interview with Leigh Heart, we asked why he thought it was okay to betray Gracie however she said “No comment”.

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